Friday, April 17, 2015

Photo Gallery Minimalist Home Design 2015

The house is one of the building used as place to stay. The house have function to break outside school activity and work or for family gather in holidy. When two lovers undergo a new chapter in his life it is to get married certain many of them want to have a new residence. But there are still many of them are confused about the design of theri homes later.

Many home design that you can make choices, in 2015 this is still minimalist home design trend still in demand. With a style that is simple and does not require a lot of land, it will creat a comfortable place for the residents.

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Roof of Minimalist Home Design 2015

The roof of minimalist home design often be the part to forgotten, where the roof have benefits are very important and will affect the overall concept of a minimalist home. Therefore are required mature concept in choosing the type of roof.

Beside to protect the home from sunshine and rain the roof an important detail must be considered to support the concept of minimalist home. If roof choice not matching with the concept of course will make a sstrange impression because roof is the important part of minimalist home design.

Example of Roof Minimalist Home Design 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tips Minimalist Bathroom design

Bathroom with minimalist concept became popular, not just a house with a minimalist design that implements this concept but a home with other concepts also applay minimalist bathroom design. But there are som things you need to note before designing a minimalist bathroom for your home, it is the tip.

1. Furniture
Because it means the selection of minimalist concept for bathroom furniture is made as simple as possible so it does not eat a lot of places and minimalist impression is maintanied. As much as possible try to avoid using large-sized furnitures because it will make the bathroom seem stuffy.

2. Selection of Cabinet
Try to use a type of cabinets that expands instead of closet that has a policy to the floor. It aims to provide a lot more empty space to be utilized for other furniture. Space empty space that will be used for the display such as ornamental plants. Add some friends because of the presence of the mirror will make the room seem more spacious.

3. Ceramic
Choose the size of the ceramics that have a wide size, for example, size 50 to 60 cm. With the size of a large sex will make fasting feel more spacious. In order to look more and more widespread, there is the trick is to install ceramic tile or diagonally, with a minimalist bathroom so you will make felt widely.

4. Wall paint colors
What is important is the choice of paint color for the walls of the bathroom. Avoid dark colors like black and brown colors and the like, and when the colors are bright and now instead. Just use on primary color only, because if too much color bariation will make the bathroom fell more cramped.

Examples of Minimalist Bathoorm

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Living Room Design for Minimalist Home

In building a house with a minimalist design aspects must be taken to ensure that the concept of minimalist really inherent in your home. The living room is also an important thing to note, is where guiests will be placed so make sure your living room is well defined for the convenience of guests who visit.

The first thing to note is the size of the space available. If your living room has a size that is not too large, you should choose a table and chairs are simple and not mch dining space. And also don't put too many trinkets or excessive furniture. Quite display some decoration that does not seem cramped living room. Another is to use a mirror effect, the presence of a mirror or glass can give rise to the impression of a board.

Tips on choosing Tile for Minimalist Home

Minimalist home design will be look perfect if selecting the right pain color can be harmonized with existing furniture in it. Not only one, the selection of tiles for flooring is also an important factor to make the house more beautiful. So all components contained in a house should happen with a harmonious color combinations color wall paint, ceramic election, and also all the furniture that are in the house.

In choosing ceramics there are several things to note are : color, size, and also shape. There are a lot tips to choosing the right tile for your home, but it's not become a rule, because you can own the creation of home design as you wish.

Color and pattern ceramic must aligned with the wall paint color, because otherwise it will look harmonious contrast strange and unsightly, it can certainly interfere with your comfort while staying at home. Sometimes those who don't know too all there have diffrent functional but because of ignorance, the cause is not appropiate to apply.

Tisp Choosing Ceramic to Bathroom
Ceramic colors and patterns can be dibided into three categories : plain ceramic, decorative embossed patterns, and ceramic decorative style. All of three have diffrent characteristics and functions. So we needed flair to determine one of the three categories, to later be applied to the floor in the room proper.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Minimalist Home Design Japanese Style

Japan is famous for home style or concept with simple and the size is not too large. Japanese residents prefer the size of a small house that can often get together with family easily japan. In 2015 this trend minimalist Japanese style increasingly popular given the increasingly narrow land thus setting the layout of the house must be properly addressed. Therefore from the Japanese concept is suitable to be applied because it does not require too much space.

Beside it Minimalist home design Japanese style tend to be more cost-effective, because the house with this concept doesn't need a lot of accessories of variations such as the European concept. But strangely the concept of home style cherry neger it features simplicity, this is certainly the best compared with other home concept that trends to accentuate the luxury. It is the example of minimalist home design Japanese style

Color Paint Selection For Minimamlist Home Design

The selection of paint color for your home with minimalist home design is an important factor. Because wrong selection of the color will be reduce minimalist impression, beside the right color will be comfortable atmosphere and add beauty to your home. There are a few tips to select color for your home.

If you like a bright color, important to note that don't combination many color, Because it will make the atmosphere of your home beomes too crowded because of the colorfull note on the wall and create a minimalist impression to be lost. If you really like to combine diffrent types of colors, the tips is to choose one main color and other colors mix just enough to use as a list, for example the corner area walls, pillars of the house, and the rest of the house.

But if you prefer the soft and muted colors, then blend two shades of gray and marron, gray of black and will reinforce the minimalist home style. With this composition will make your house more elegant and modern. Specifically for the bathroom, select white color because it will make your bathroom visible elegant and wide. This is some examples of minimalist house paint color combinations.